January 6th, 2003; Spinning demonstration three days after I started exercising with Richard Simmons. I was horrified when my picture was taken and appeared in a local newspaper. |
March, 2003; "Fibers Through Time" Conference, Phoenix, AZ |
July 4th, 2003; Independance Day party at Garen's home. From left to right, Willa (dog), Me, Cousin Jordy, Sandy, Cousin Bea (in front) |
August, 2003. Elissa's Pot Luck BBQ and Exorcism. I'm in the spirit, all right. I'm without a head! |
October, 2003; Sandy's Birthday. Of course I'm sitting right in front of the cake. This picture is significant as it is the one taken closest to my highest known weight of 358 pounds. |
April, 2004. I was horrified to have "won" the egg decorating contest at Slimmons as I knew that it would entail having my picture taken. I didn't fight it, though, thinking that I had lost a lot of weight and - since I had not gotten on a scale since I started the program - I probably weighed around 200 pounds. A couple of weeks later, I finally got the nerve to hop on and was horrified to learn that I weighed in at 278 pounds. |
July, 2004; Sandy's Gallery Opening at the Riverside Museum of Art. I was very pleased that day as the outfit I was wearing was size 18! I always liked that outfit and had kept it for many years in hopes that I could wear it again. Now, alas, it is way too big and I have donated it to charity. |
August, 2004; At Gladstones. From left to right, Pat, Deb, Me, and Kathy. |
August, 2004; At The Fabulous Fiber Fest in Santa Monica, CA. |
September, 2004; Richard Simmons's "Hoot Camp" at Slimmons. Practical Exam. |
September, 2004. Richard Simmons's "Success Story of the Month" at 206 pounds. Story no longer available on his web site, thank goodness! |
October, 2004; Halloween party at Slimmons. Note the dark patches under my arms. I knit ovals out of black eyelash yarn and used toupee tape to stick them on as "Pit" hair. You should have seen the look on Richard's face when he finally noticed... in the mirror and about 20 minutes into the class! |
November, 2004; JMP Physical Therapy. From left to right, Brian, Chris, Rocky, and me in the "Cage." |
December, 2004; Me and Richard, me wearing JMP Physical Therapy's T-Shirt on a dare from them. They were really surprised that Richard had a sense of humor and took the picture with me. They were doubly surprised, as was I, when the picture turned up on the internet as part of Walgreen's Health Corner tv promotion! |
June, 2005; Auditions for Richard Simmons's video "Party Off the Pounds." |
August, 2005; John Hoover & me during the filming of Richard Simmons "Party Off The Pounds." I still have that outfit although it is too big for me now. |
August, 2005; Cast Photo during the filming of Richard Simmons "Party Off The Pounds." |
September, 2005; Closing night performance at Camp Sharwood. That's Ian that I'm playing with. |
October, 2005; in front of my loom. |
October, 2005; Elissa and me at the La Brea Tar Pits. Joe Ganci is behind the camera. |
October, 2005; On top of the Straw Pyramid. I was shocked when I scrambled up behind Ian at a Halloween Faire without thought. I didn't know I had lost that much weight and was capable of doing that! The jeans were the first thing I had ever bought from The Gap; size 16. |
November, 2005; Richard asked me to make a "Shrimp Christmas Tree." When he saw what I came up with, his comment was "Lord, help me." My response? He could have chosen any of 40 different people at Slimmons to do it, he asked me. His mistake! |

March, 2006; In front of my loom. |
September, 2006; Richard's PBS Special filming. To the best of my knowledge, it does not have an air date yet. |
September, 2006; Cast Photo |
April, 2007 |
June, 2007. At the La Brea Tar Pits again. With Beth "Bubblybeth" McMullen. |
October, 2007
Richard's Weekend Retreat with The Fab 4 plus One Special Guest!
From Left to Right:
Beth "BubblyBeth" McMullen from Baltimore, MD, 173 pounds lost
Richard "RichardS" Simmons from Los Angeles, CA, 120 pounds lost
Vennie "Catvennie" Anderson from Carbondale, IL, 75 pounds lost
Laura "Goodsis1" Silverman from Tarzana, CA, 210 pounds lost
Claudia "Beatlefan" Regan from Coral Springs, FL, 95 pounds lost |